
This post might get a bit wordy, so hang in there.

Owen turns two years old tomorrow, Dec. 11, 2010.

I am usually mushy when my kids have a birthday. Sometimes people know about it, and sometimes they don't. But, for this one... you will know, trust me.

This is Owen the day after he came home, Aug. 28, 2009. So round and happy. We couldn't figure out what to do with him he was so easy. The boys immediately loved him.
He ate and ate and ATE... drank bottles of Korean formula (until we ran out, which was in like 10 hrs.) and slept.
Well, he slept on Korean time... he and I would sit up at night between 2 and 4 or 5 am and hang out... his little jet lag was hard to break but we did it. We got to know each other. I would hold him and rock him... stare at his sweet little round face.

This is Owen last month at a birthday party.
Now he is this 2 year old boy... not baby. He sleeps when we do (most of the time), eats what we eat (sometimes more than the big boys) and speaks English really well. (For anyone curious, he really never knew Korean because he came over here at 8 months, so really he speaks rather excellent English for a two year old).

Owen enjoying some ice cream at Must Be Heaven.
For some moms I know it might be hard to imagine loving a baby as your own, when it didn't come out of your belly. What do you do when he doesn't have daddy's eyes, or mommy's nose?

I will tell you what you do: You don't even notice...

He is your son... you know his laugh, his cry, his smell... just like your biological children (ie: the homegrowns).

You teach him about his family... his grandparents, his great grandparents. You teach him to walk, to talk, to play well with others, to potty-train (we're not there yet, don't rush me...)

You cherish and remember each moment because one day... just like Reid and Blake... he will grow up, drive cars, and go off to college.

But for now, he is just two. He will let me squeeze him, and hold him, and smooch his cheeks. And hold his hand at night through the crib slats until he dozes off...

Owen is a seemless addition to our family.
I know not every adoption is easy, or quick, and not every child attaches so easily. But Owen did, and I am so thankful we were faithful enough to trust God...

Trust that we would get the right baby for us. Trust that he would love us as much as we will love him.

(You can never have enough pictures of your baby sleeping.)

And God is faithful.

Owen, Happy Birthday! You are such a sweet boy and I can't wait to see what you do when you grow up! We love you, pumpkin head.

Owen has his own personal style.

Can you tell he has two older brothers? He is actually quite a good shot.

Happy Birthday, Owen!

Keep checking the portfolio, I will add pictures as I get them!
Have a great weekend!


Natalie said...

Well, I'm in tears! What a sweet post for that precious birthday boy! I can't believe he's already going to be two! I had to laugh about the speaking English part! :)

Theresa Johnson said...

I fell upon your post just looking for Christmas pics...and got SO much more - what a wonderful post of your little boy - he is adorable! Happy Birthday Owen!!! Thank you for sharing a bit of your family with me! Christmas blessings to you from a mom of a 1 year old and 5 year old in Wisconsin!

Missy Robinson said...

Thanks for posting ya'll... I will try to write more... I am usually just posting pictures of my work, or to catch family and friends up on the boys...
But, I realize that I need to share a little more from my heart.
(That's the good stuff, right?)
And, it's so nice to meet you Theresa! Merry Christmas!

Online flowers said...

Cute babies....