Blake's Spring Program

First, let me give credit where it's due... These pictures are actually stolen off Heather's blog. She took good pictures of her child, with a good camera, at a good distance.
I, on the other hand, was wrestling Owen, feeding him gummies, trying to see over the person in front of me. And, well, if I am honest, forgot to take pictures half the time because I was too busy being all mushy over my baby.

Blake stole the show in a break out performance this spring. I might be a tad biased, but wouldn't you be? Look at those cheeks.
(for those of you out of towners, blake is the cutie pie in the blue shirt, middle row, second from the left, next to the cute blonde....)
I cried like a baby during this song. "Nighty Night" So stinking cute. I always see Blake as a big boy, because he is a big brother now, but watching him sing that sweet song...
I should probably buy him a pony.
Please just look at his face. He is so mad b/c he cannot blow enough bubbles fast enough! We laughed through this entire song!!

Great Job Blake, You are the Man!!

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