These flowers were for some very sweet, dear friends of mine. It is so fun to do flowers for people you know! Of course, it always makes me a tad nervous, because I don't want to disappoint. But, everyone assured me they were pleased.
The reception was on the groom's family ranch. Beautiful country right outside Independence.

Half of the centerpieces were hurricanes surrounded by fresh magnolia garland. 
The other half of the reception tables had rose bowls containing yellow, orange, and pink roses. All very sherbert, pastel touches of color. Elegant and beautiful, just like the bride.
Rose petals in the pool.
Gorgeous bouquet for a gorgeous bride. This bouquet is why brides still choose all white bouquets... so classic.

The other half of the reception tables had rose bowls containing yellow, orange, and pink roses. All very sherbert, pastel touches of color. Elegant and beautiful, just like the bride.

Such a great couple.

The bridal bouquet
This wedding had the sweetest children! There were two precious flower girls. If I had girls, I would want them to be just like them!
We did candleabras in a rust color with magnolia garlands up the center pole.
The candleabras were hand made by a friend of the groom, who actually married them also!

The bridal bouquet

And there was a little ringbearer, and he had brothers! Reminded me of my three at home... 100% all boy!

Bridesmaids bouquets had the same roses that were in the rose bowls above.

Stunning girls.

Bridesmaids bouquets had the same roses that were in the rose bowls above.

Stunning girls.
All the pictures were provided by Harrison Studio. They were flown in from Michigan. (yes, Michigan.) And, boy it shows. They did excellent work. Go check them out!
I had so much fun doing this wedding. We got to attend this wedding also, so it was extra special for me. Dusty and I sat and ate dinner on the back porch, lit by candlelight, over looking the reception and the pool sprinkled with rose petals... Are you kidding? It was like the best date we had had in a long time! Plus, the food was wonderful.
Thanks, Josh and LG for letting me serve you for your wedding. Congrats and love you!
Beautiful flowers and pictures! The wedding looks gorgeous!
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