Welcome! My name is Melissa Colin Robinson, but everyone calls me Missy. I am a professional florist, working from my home work shop! I recieved a Bachelor's and Master's Degree from Texas A&M University, both in Horticulture. My Bachelor's degree focused mainly on design, whether floral, landscape, or interiors. My Master's degree focused mainly on adult education, while I deepened my understanding of the floriculture industry through greenhouse work and production.
I enjoy doing weddings, large parties, events, and funeral work. I take time and attention to create something specific for my clients, tailored to suit thier taste and personality. I use all my creative juices for every order, whether $20 or $200!
I am married to a wonderful and very patient man, Dusty. We have three boys Reid, Blake and Owen. We enjoy our church, anything outside, yard work, and spending time with our awesome family.
Both my parents and Dusty's both are always around to help out with the boys, espcially on wedding weekends! I will add that both grandmothers have gotten really good at using a glue gun!
Please let me know how I can serve your floral needs! I look forward to creating the perfect floral art for you!
Missy, it was SO NICE to meet you the other day at our garage sale and hope to meet your husband and boys sometime. Hope you had a great Father's Day weekend!
Hi Missy! Angela from Nellie's in Brenham told me about your work. My fiance and I are fellow aggies! We are planning to get married at Mariposa Ranch April 21, 2012. I am very interested in your services for our wedding! My thoughts are green spider mum, purple calla lilies and peacock feathers. I love UNIQUE and your pictures are great! I look forward to hearing from you and possibly working with you...
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