Hi there! I am so sorry it has been so long for me to have posted!
Life around here has been crazy. We have nearly survived a spring wedding season... Now we are on to Easter, Mother's Day, and prom!
Around the Robinson estate, we have been ripping up carpet, painting paneling, changing light fixtures... It's been wild! But, when you are decorating and sprucing for everyone else, you kinda feel like you should be able to do it just a bit at home, too.
The boys are doing great. Reid is loving school and really growing up right before our eyes! After the 4th pair of school shoes this school year alone, I am wondering if Reid has growth "spurts" or if he is just an out of control bean sprout??
Blake is also doing great. He is excited about Kindergarten at Krause next year, and to be on the same awesome playground as Reid.
Owen is hilarious. He is getting tall and skinny. Both of those words are relative, of course.
He is talking as if he were 5, and thinks he's 10. He will go three mornings in the fall to St. Paul's as a Frisky Frog. I am guessing there aren't many frogs any friskier than Owen.
Here are some pictures of what we have been up to lately.
square vase with large spray on top
everything is so pretty for spring.
A planted wooden box in the garden out back.
a stargazer lilly.
so pretty, who doesn't like these?
When your roses are done in the vase, stick them in a grapevine wreath, and have a keep sake.
I love potted containers. I alway swear in August when I am watering them, I will never plant them again. But, spring is deceptive, and hopeful, all at the same time. So, here I go again with my pots!
The more the merrier!
There is a bird bath and a bird feeder that I try to keep birdseed in.
The boys like to try to name which birds they are.
I like to mix the herbs and flowers in this bed.
It's fun to watch it grow and progress and it's easy to maintain because it's size isn't overwhelming.